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Pros & Cons of 360-degree Feedback

360-degree feedback is an effective tool for employee development and organizational growth and success. Having said that, it helps to be aware of the pros and cons involved in implementing the feedback process, so as to guard against them and eliminate their effect. Pros: • Anonymous feedback helps to make it more acceptable and paves...


The Future of Performance Reviews

The world is moving away from traditional performance reviews, to adopt an entirely new approach to performance management, in the following ways: Creating a culture of growth and making managers responsible for the development of their team members. Delink performance management from career development and compensation decisions. Simplify the performance management process and related documentation...


Employee Engagement: The Key to Improved Employee Performance

Employee engagement involves fostering a work culture that makes the employee feel valued and aligned with the organization such that they put in the maximum effort they can to work for the organisation, thus improving employee performance. Just as each tiny, seemingly insignificant drop combines with billions of others to make the ocean, a single...


FAQs on OKR Implementation

Settings OKRs, aka Objectives and Key Results, needs some orientation, strategy and planning. Here, we have answered some common questions covering the creation and implementation of an OKR strategy to ensure its success. How do I create an OKR strategy for my company? Are there any common mistakes companies make, when implementing OKRs? Who qualifies...


10 Tips to Increase the Engagement of Remote Employees

Employee engagement is essential to all organizations. It has become an imperative in the remote, work from home arrangements necessitated by the pandemic. We provide some tips to increase employee engagement under the circumstances: Increase sense of belonging. Define goals and targets. Communicate better. Be available. Enable teamwork. Provide skills and knowledge. Empower the employee....


Strategies to Develop and Sustain Employee Engagement

Employee engagement needs to be sustained over time to ensure that the organization can reap the benefits of such engagement. Some strategies to ensure this include: A work atmosphere which excludes anxiety and stress brought on by high workloads and low support from the management. A committed set of leaders who adopt a workplace culture...