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HR transformation involves redesigning the HR function in such a way that it mirrors and supports the organization as well as its strategic objectives. The HR transformation process in the previous decades focused on increasing efficiency as well as decreasing costs. However, HR transformation in the present times also gives importance to the enhancement of people’s contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. Today’s HR transformations happen through technology as well. Read on to know about the objectives of such transformation, why it is important and how it can be achieved.

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Objectives of HR Transformation

As the HR function caters to the whole organization, the objectives of HR transformation are many:

  • Building a diverse workforce
  • Attracting as well as retaining the best talent for the organization
  • Building a workforce that is diverse and inclusive in terms of demographics and beliefs
  • Supporting the efforts of organizational growth
  • Helping in making the business responsive
  • Supporting the rising globalization
  • Contributing to optimizing the cost structure
  • Supporting mergers and acquisitions
  • Complying with regulations
  • Developing and sustaining a culture of collaboration and innovation in the organization

HR Transformation Roadmap is All About Change Management

Any workforce that is beginning to accept digital processes will compel HR leaders to prioritize and rethink the digital roadmap. This will require a change in HR roles. HR in the digital world will be all about talent managers as well as leadership and productivity coaches. This is a differentiation from other HR roles. Change management is the heart of any digital transformation. The role of HR is to identify people who can understand the change and introduce it across the organization. Managers need to be the pioneers of that change. Since technology does not bring understanding, an effective change management roadmap has to include communication of the change as well as the analysis of the change impact. This is important for the success of the digital HR transformation roadmap. For organizations to be digital-savvy, HR needs to understand the needs and behaviour of employees who are using digital media.

Why Should Businesses Prioritize the HR Transformation Process?

Human resources transformation has become a necessity for businesses today. Companies need to constantly change their strategies to thrive and be successful in a dynamic global market. HR transformation should be a priority for businesses that are looking to get an edge over the competition. Also, transformation processes provide many benefits, as listed below –

  • Positioning of HR as a strategic partner – The value of HR processes will be recognized by all the stakeholders of the organization, who need to work in line with HR leaders for achieving strategic objectives.
  • Driving efficiency and unravelling capabilitiesHR transformation, with the help of tech-enabled solutions, can facilitate the transition to skills-based strategies. This will encourage employees to realize their full capabilities.
  • Enhancement of the employee experience – Employees have a lot of expectations and want more from their employers. An effective HR transformation strategy will enable leaders to get rid of outdated rules and accept new ways of working.

Components of a Good Transformation Roadmap

Detailed planning is crucial to the success of HR transformation efforts.

  • An effective roadmap will include transformation goals, which will encompass the HR department and overall business goals.
  • There will be a list of all stakeholders as well as their roles in the process. This will include people from the HR team as well as those from other departments. The list will also include some insights for building the strategy and guiding the transformation.
  • An effective plan of communication with the stakeholders will be in place, which will include the kind of information to be shared.
  • A guide for the entire transformation process, which will include the tools as well as processes for each stakeholder, will be in place too.
  • A roadmap will also have measurable success metrics that are developed according to the goals.

Guidelines for a Successful HR Transformation Process

Charting the HR transformation roadmap can be pretty daunting. HR transformation is a massive change for any company and its people. Here is how you can prepare for changes and maximize the success of a good HR transformation strategy –

  • Get leaders involved – The transformation of HR processes is not only meant for the employees in a department. It impacts every business function, and hence, becomes essential for leaders from different departments to get involved in creating a roadmap. Incorporating the insights of the leaders will make sure that the approach aligns with the goals.
  • Consider the employees’ feedback – For the HR transformation to be successful, employee support is extremely important. All the employees need to be comfortable with the changes, so it is important to enable them to voice their concerns, provide feedback as well as ask questions. There should be transparent communication throughout the processes to make employees feel valued.
  • Set strategic objectives – Incorporate the leaders’ insights to understand what their objectives and challenges are. The roadmap for two transformation goals should be created for the department and the business. Make sure to include success metrics that can be measured and have been developed according to the goals. It should also contain a guide for the steps of the transformation processes.
  • Select the appropriate technology – The appropriate technology will bring the vision of HR transformation alive. Technology implementation should help create a strategic role for HR in the company. It is also critical to consider what software is required for a smooth transformation. Solutions that can automate as well as streamline the processes, decrease the hiring time and enable efficient onboarding, for example. Prioritize diversity and consider inclusion as well.

Some Common Mistakes During Transformation 

Avoid some of these common mistakes while implementing HR transformation:

  • Drafting the HR strategy in isolation from the business strategy – In this case, both will suffer and may not sustain. HR transformation needs to be aligned with the overall business transformation.
  • Improvements are transformation – Efficiency and improvement are important aspects of transformation, but efficiency does not alone equal changes.
  • Avoiding detailed conversation – Communication is essential to the successful implementation of any changes in an organization. Employees can resist change, which is why the goals of HR transformation should be clearly communicated.
  • Not enough technology support – Lack of focus on HR technologies is one of the main reasons why HR transformation is not a smooth process sometimes.
  • Insufficient change management – Proper change management can help the organization deal with the changes and be successful.
  • Ignoring future needs of the organization – Transformation should be done by taking into account the future organizational needs, business prospects, and scales and not just the present considerations.


HR functions need to evolve to stay relevant. Human resource process transformation is the process of reorganizing and restructuring the entire HR function in any organization. With the advent of the digital age, it has now become even more essential to leverage the digitization process in your business. Hence, HR transformation is an area that needs attention. This is not only for your company’s growth and smooth functioning but also for retaining your talented workforce who drive the growth. It is important to reform HR practices for employee-friendly implementations. For successful HR transformation, get in touch with us at PossibleWorks.

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