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Managers play a key role in driving employee motivation, engagement and commitment to their organizations. However, many managers are still not practicing employee recognition effectively, despite the impact it has on an organization either in the absence of right tools or because of their own limiting beliefs.

The most common arguments given by managers in their defense include lack of time or that they will be seen as having favorites. The truth is that there is no place for such misconceptions in today’s modern workplaces where employees are expected to be engaged, loyal and results-driven.

There is a saying that an employee does not leave a job, but leaves a manager and this holds true for all such managers.

Companies that are prompt in helping managers understand and appreciate the importance of employee recognition are more likely to benefit from increased employee productivity, service levels and revenue growth. 

Managers are the bridge who executes leadership’s vision and their ability to transpire that into something meaningful for employees is what determines success.

What you can do to empower managers to get on-boarded with your recognition programs:

1. Employee Recognition Platform  Peoplecart is Employee recognition and Engagement platform.

Empower your managers with a modern day recognition platform that is easy, simple and intutive to use for all stakeholders. Such platforms allow mangers to instantly recognize good work through web/mobile apps. 

An organization that invests in such tools, not only makes it easier for managers to leverage the power of recognition but also communicate that recognition is an important part of the organization’s culture.

On-board your managers through appropriate communication right from beginning of the program.

2. Make every recognition personalized & meaningful 

Peoplecart reward and recognition platform

Not every efforts warrants the same appreciation. Managers should personalize each recognition, highlighting the efforts demonstrated and how it made a difference to the team or the organization. Such personalized citation is more meaningful to the employee and ensures greater experience to cherish resulting in reinforcement of demonstrated efforts/behaviors.

Empower and enable your managers to capitalize on all such opportunities.

3. Appreciate all small and large wins equally

Peoplecart is an employee engagement and recognition platform

Little actions speak volumes and make a lasting impression in driving the right objectives. Similarly, a simple appreciation with a “Pat on the Back” or a sincere “Thank You” from a manger for a job well done goes a long way in setting the tone.

Not every recognition has to have monetary values attached to it. The real impact comes from being there to appreciate and recognize the effort indicating “We appreciate you for a job well done”. These little things send signals to employees that they matter in a big way to the organization.  

4. Be timely 

People empower managers

Recognition is most effective when it is given in the moment or as soon as possible after the action that warrants attention. Don’t wait for your internal meetings, town halls or end of the year to recognize; by that time the opportunity to appreciate is already lost. They say delayed recognition is bad recognition and the delay is actually demotivating.

5. Training for Managers Peoplecart is an award winning recognition platform

Help your managers become comfortable with your recognition programs and the supporting system through online training materials (videos, manuals, documents etc.). Training materials should include literature around the importance of employee recognition, guides to understand the recognition platform and how each program can be used effectively. There should be periodic communication around the updated learning materials to ensure the managers are in-sync with the latest developments.

6. Smart data analytic for both control and insight 

 Peoplecart reward and recognition platform

Empower your managers with real time and smart analytic to access how his/her recognition activities are correlating with his/her team’s performance. Such analysis helps in sustaining the manager’s commitment to the recognition programs. Get to know the strategies to motivate your managers.

About the Author: 

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Vijay Sihag, an ardent believer in happier workplaces, leads Peoplecart’s Business Development efforts for Middle East. He works closely with clients in helping them overcome their engagement, recognition and rewards related challenges through consulting and technology-driven solutions.

Peoplecart is an Engagement and Recognition platform for modern workplaces. 

Are you using the right technology for your Recognition programs?

Checkout our Buyer’s Guide to Employee Recognition software Or Book a Demo

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